Flower Power (NZ) has gained a reputation in the industry for having exceptionally clean and dry oil. We import the virgin oil, sell it into high end restaurants, recover it the following week in our own purpose made bins, we then bring it back to one of our cleaning facilities where the oil goes through a rigorous process of cleaning, filtering and de-watering before it is settled then delivered to our animal feed customers throughout the country. Our customers expect the best quality and service and that is exactly what they get. We can supply oil in 1000L IBC tanks or bulk from one of our fleet of tankers.

All of our tankers are fitted with pumps and filtration systems to insure the quality is second to none. We believe that freshness is the key to providing the best oils in the market place. Our oils are independently laboratory tested on a six monthly basis and these consistently good results are sent to all of our customers. We are constantly developing our processes to ensure we are one step ahead of the competition. Shortly we will be introducing systems that are only seen in the human food manufacturing industry, such is our commitment to be the best.